KAREN DEMERS first-hand account of what they found in New Orleans:

Pauline Street                                                                                  Houses next door to the distribution Center on Pauline St.
The church on the corner , food is served there to the
workers and anyone that needs to eat.
The white trailers are sitting there empty.
They are not hooked up for the residents to live in,
they are living in tents on the side of the streets.
You can see blue tents, this is one of the areas the
helpers sleep.

Shows the water supply tent on the left.                                      Jason Lanzillo and Amy Squires, they are the running the
Food Supplies on right.                                                                   center right now. Amy told me she will be there until May
                                                                                                             bus wasn't sure how long Jason will be there. They are
                                                                                                             giving their time to help out. All the young people are giving
                                                                                                             their time to help the area.                                        

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* Continue to Photos on Page 3: